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Hey ! Don't know if you already are a game dev, but as huge fan of Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon, I fell in love with your game. It is simplistic and cute. Also I wanted to cheer you up so I donated a bit more for your work. You gave me inspiration for my own work with RPGIAB so thank you and keep making great games ! :-)

I'm happy that you enjoyed this little game, thank you very much for playing and for this super nice comment😊. Good luck with your game!

Also, thank you for the donation, it's super sweet of you and I really appreciate the gestureπŸ€—


GG! 😎


Cute!! Thanks for sharing your garden and for playing!


Thanks for making it!

The music you picked was really nice, the graphics are adorable, and I like all the UI stuff you put in (making a button for screenshots was a great idea btw)!

Also on a side note, I kinda broke it the first time I played, cuz I was messing with the resolution and scrolling through them caused the UI to go off screen and I had to redownload the game... but that's my bad! πŸ˜…

(1 edit) (+1)

Super happy that you enjoyed it!

Ouch, glad you were able to fix that by just redownloading the game. Sadly I can't do anything about that since this is part of RPG in a Box.


This can be done in RPG in a Box?! Woah! So cool! Your game looks awesome. 

Thank you for your nice comment! RPG in a Box is a really great and versatile engine!